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tiv network-01-1 JUNE 2023
Electricity is the most valuable and evolved form of energy currently available, and thanks to new technologies it can be transported and used in myriads of ways.
Electric mobility and battery-powered vehicles in general are proposing new development scenarios even in absolutely unprecedented environments, from electric networks to the integration between vehicle and building and various other combinations.
The disruptive news is that thanks to the great power and quantity of energy carried by the electric vehicles, it will be possible to power electrical loads directly from the vehicles themselves.
Thanks to in-depth studies and engineering experiences related to the world of energy and e-mobility, today a new original way of exploiting these very recent technological possibilities is born: TIV is launching together with its partner DriWe a project for direct power supply of live events, in particular, starting with musical concerts involving multiple electric cars at the same time.
Information: www.vehicle2concert.com

Download the event flyer


This is what tells the Green Italy report of Unioncamere and Symbola Foundation. Italy is the first production system in Europe for low production of waste and recycling industry. Our country is also an European leader in the consumption of energy from renewable sources (increased from 6.3% in 2004 to 17.1% in 2014). In the ranking of EU countries for eco-efficiency index we are only in the second place after Luxembourg, before Denmark, Holland, France, Germany and Sweden. Since the crisis began, in fact, in Italy the companies investing in eco-friendly processes have increased. No European country has responded to the crisis than we did by investing in technologies and production processes with low environmental impact.
More info here: http://www.linkiesta.it/it/article/2016/10/21/sorpresa-litalia-e-il-paese-piu-green-deuropa-che-ci-crediate-o-no/32143/?campaign_id=A100

tiv network-01-1 MAY 2016: EUROPE: BEYOND THE THRESHOLD OF 100 GW PV
In these days the threshold of 100 GW of installed PV will be overcome in Europe: a symbolic milestone and a success of the industry sector. Ten years ago (in 2006), the PV capacity in operation in Europe was only 3.3 GW and it was measured in terms of megawatts. The push in Europe came mainly from strong cost reductions (approximately 80 % in 10 years), together with a regulatory and incentive framework for the years straddling the past decade and this , especially in Germany and Italy.
The estimate of reaching 100 GW , made ​​by IHS , makes the idea of the incredible solar growth on the continent. Although today registers an annual decline of installed, compared to other emerging countries, it remains the most solarized area on the planet.
More info here: http://m.qualenergia.it/view/18235

Google wants to help people harness the power of the sun. A new service called Project Sunroof aims to provide a “treasure map” of solar energy with the help of Google Maps. It analyzes the location of the building and considers the daily time ( and annual ) of exposure to the sun , the angle of the roof and the obstacles on the surface such as trees , branches and fireplaces. The attempt is to provide help those who are interested to shift to the photovoltaic . The project , currently active in some areas of the United States , expected to brief the expansion in the US and soon in other countries.
More info here: https://www.google.com/get/sunroof/about/
Sunroof Project Google

DriWe srl, innovative start-up recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development, presents in premiere on Italian market, DriWe Sun, DriWe Car, DriWe Charge and the Driwe system, the link between the new mobility and self-production of its electric “fuel” from renewable sources. ” We are at a historic transition, where we’ll pass from the oil era to the era of Electric Watt. The electricity will be the fuel of the future, cleaner and more economical than oil ” ( Alessandro Marsilio, President of DriWe srl ). More info here: http://www.canaleenergia.com/archivio-com-stampa/2762-driwe-lancia-sul-mercato-italiano-i-suoi-innovativi-servizi-per-la-mobilita-elettrica-sostenibile.html 

tiv network-01-1 MAY 2015: Partnership with MY SOLAR FAMILY
My Solar Family is an easy and intuitive brand new app that allows users to monitor their PV system with a simple click. It helps them to monitor performance , to know the news in real time, to communicate with the other owners of PV systems. All this for an intelligent management and participatory energy. Tiv-tech has partnered with My Solar Family for the test and validation phase of this innovative project in the mobile area. Come and join us to be part of the family! All the information about, here https://www.mysolarfamily.com/

tiv network-01-1 APRIL 2015: Event with UniSky – IUAV in Venice
From March 23 to April 3 2015 was held in Venice, at the headquarters of Palazzo Tron IUAV, the event INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR CITIES, LAND AND ENVIRONMENT, to expose research, projects and technologies of UniSky (start -up innovative / spin-off IUAV ) and PhD New Technologies for the city, land and environment. TIV Tech is proud to have participated in this event and to be involved directly in the round table “Energy and city”, in which Luca Secco, Managing Director of the company, has contributed as a speaker. 

tiv network-01-1 OCTOBER 2014: New offices at Fabbrica Saccardo
TIV – TakeIntoInnoVation – staff already started to work in a brand new working space, in  the beautiful place  www.FabbricaSaccardo.it : a site rich of history and tradition, labs, events and projects.  Fabbrica Saccardo became reality at the end of 19th century from a revolutionary idea, in the north east of Italy, in a unique environment, combination of nature, industries and experiences. The TIV presence has been selected  due to the innovative management and technology contents, and in the same time perfectly integrated with the cross-fertilized effect of the creative labs around.Here all the history and  events calendar of the new office place.

tiv network-01-1 July 2014: MOB-Y GREEN PROJECT START
Fuel costs and pollution are increasing, even this summer, without citizens control and with too much impact on everyone. TIV is now breaking the “scheme” with an integrated project for clean energy production and green mobility, starting from home. It is possible by easy combination of solar power and retrofit electric urban vehicle, now proposed at incredible low cost level, starting with a pioneer cooperative of 700 shareholders, www.retenergie.it . All the details for system package specifications and price here. Be part of revolution!
Mob-y Green1

tiv network-01-1 January 2014: PROFESSIONAL DRONES for SOLAR
TIV is now proud to be able to provide robot solutions for highly sophisticated remote areas control, quality and performance check for power plants, buildings and many other applications. This is possible thanks to small helicopters without pilot (drones) equipped with specific devices (thermo cameras, reflex cameras, sensors). The plus vs other similar solutions is that these drones are designed and realized for professional use, with impressive payload, stability and easy transport.

tiv network-01-1 December 2013
Especially during Christmas time is interesting and useful investigating how to improve the quality of human beings life. Recently appeared on BBC the “Robot Safari” event that beside new robotic animals is even including a proto-robot for human surgery support. TIV is strictly connected with the UK top research center working on this topics, to diffuse and promote ideas for better world. Here a video of the future oriented event.

tiv network-01-1 October 2013: SOUTH AFRICA, 210 MWp PROJECTS
TIV is not only looking to Africa but also acting there. Juwi, one the most important renewable energy pioneer worldwide, has again selected TIV as knowledge provider for its new projects in new markets. In this case the services delivered are regarding more than 210 MWp Photovoltaic plants, planned and designed for the local development process. Here a link to see
Juwi South Africa activities.

tiv network-01-1 September 2013: FENICE GREEN ENERGY PARK
The eco-innovative Fenice foundation is a young and proactive organization promoting new green tech application, for students and enterprises in Padova. Here the description of their High Efficiency Energy building (IT video):
Fenice is presenting some high level courses together with ENEA during the www.energinnova.it event “The power of ideas”. Here the link.

tiv-01-1-1 September 2013: APER MEMBERSHIP
TIV is proud to be now member of the most important Renewable Energy Association in Italy, APER. Together with Assosolare, the biggest Italian Photovoltaic industry Association, APER is committed since many years to sustain and deliver all the green techs for producing and saving energy in the “Sun’s country”. TIV is strictly connected to that delivering support and ideas for a new world future. Here the list of international programs, tender and associations connected to APER.

The deepest thermal swimming pool in the world created in Italy.
Work has begun on the deepest swimming pool in the world. The opening is planned for the beginning of 2014 and it will give new drive to the Spa disctrict and make the Euganean hills the landmark for world underwater diving.

Luminanet is a social network for the global off-grid lighting community TIV team has experiences in India and Africa with stand alone projects for clean energy generation and life improvement. Now with Luminanet wants to share this know how with pioneers for a better world.